Ellie Under Pressure

One girl can't do everything

by Pauline Hill

One girl can’t do everything!

Twelve-year-old Ellie Rivers loves being part of a big family and she loves being one of the best students in her English class – most of the time. She is the second oldest of five girls: There is Janine, fifteen, Ellie, twelve, nine-year-old Stacey and twins, Cora and Grace, 7. Ellie is proud of the fact that her parents trust her with so much responsibility. Her older sister is too wrapped up in her work to be of any help.

One day, her English teacher presents her with an opportunity too good to refuse. Ellie is thrilled. If she succeeds, her family will be so proud of her! Even Janine might be impressed.

However, her family are too wrapped up in their own problems to listen to Ellie properly or to appreciate that she needs privacy and peace to work. Every day, there are interruptions and problems. Ellie is so frustrated – this is the opportunity of a lifetime and her family are making it impossible for her to achieve it.

Ellie gets into all sorts of trouble, but is determined not to give up. Her aunt even offers her a place to stay over half-term. However, Ellie is determined to stick it out at home. She is not moved so easily.

The explosion comes on the first weekend of half-term. Ellie snaps – she has had enough! Her family will be sorry that they’ve pushed her away!

Will Ellie do something stupid in order to get her family to listen to her?