Calum Kerr

Calum has worked in the New York and London financial markets including twenty years with KPMG and EY – two of the “Big Four” global accountancy firms.

He frequently presents at industry conferences, contributes regular articles to the press and is a highly-respected commentator on the issues facing the UK financial services market. “Dirty Money – Terrible People” is his first work of fiction. The second book in the series will be published in 2021.

Calum lives in West London and enjoys wining, dining, running and writing. He is particularly interested in writing about today’s UK baby boomers and what he describes as the “Seventy is the new Seventeen” phenomenon. This cohort of consumers is drinking more than previous generations, using more hard and soft drugs, being diagnosed with more sexually transmitted diseases, enjoying life more and living that life much longer. 25% have assets in excess of a million pounds.

What could possibly go wrong!

Books by Calum Kerr: