Ishan Kamdar
Ishan is a 32-year-old British Indian with a passion for sports. He was born and brought up in North West London, attended school in London, before achieving a MA in Economics from the University of Cambridge. He then joined his family business and is now the Managing Director of Comline Auto Parts, a family car spare parts business based in the UK and Europe.
Ishan has a passion for all sports and is a regular follower of cricket, golf, rubgy, football and American football. He is a keen golfer, with a single digit handicap and plays regularly at his local club. Outside of sports Ishan has a passion for travelling, exploring the world and socialising with friend and family.
He came up with the idea for a story like “It’s Only Live Once” during the first UK lockdown in 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, when most live action sports were suspended. He was interested in developing a story that could excite himself as it played out, whilst also developing a new type of storytelling for his audience, incorporating a modern twist experience through twitter and the internet.
He was married in 2019 to Sejal and together they have a son, Kush, born in November 2020. They currently still reside in North London.
Ishan is active on twitter so please follow him across social media @PigeonCricket.