Rise of a Lightworker

by Will Sibley

From a problematic childhood background, I became a successful entrepreneur. I’ve experienced all the trappings of a millionaire lifestyle but it didn’t lead to fulfilment for me, and only after losing it all, including my family, did I learn that there was a far greater purpose ahead.

Shortly after my father died in 2013, I began to become aware of signs and guidance from those that had passed to Spirit, and this eventually told me, “in no uncertain terms” to come to Northern Ireland, that I would be given a gift and I would know what it was when I got it.

Spiritual healing is the gift, and I have been privilegedto have been able to treat many people and learn so much about the Spiritrealm and how they wishto assist mankind.

This book is an accurate account of events that took place in my life which led to an incredible Spiritual journey which I wish to share with you.