The Gargoyle
by Michelle Keill
“The Gargoyle” by Michelle Kiell follows Inès Corday, an aspiring actress whose dark past and obsession lead her to a prestigious acting academy in Paris. Despite her initial excitement, she faces disillusionment and exclusion. Seeking solace in Notre-Dame, Inès encounters a mysterious guardian offering her a sinister way to achieve her dreams, including winning over Christophe Leriche, her idol.
Inès is drawn into a morally ambiguous journey, guided by the eerie advice of her new protector. As she navigates the treacherous path to her desires, the novel delves into themes of ambition, obsession, and the lengths one might go for unrequited love. This dark, psychological story entwines Inès’s aspirations with the macabre, propelling her towards an unforeseen destiny.