Flight of the Ladybird
by Tim Holmes
In “Coccinelle,” Tim Holmes masterfully paints the turbulent era of Nazi-occupied France through the lens of Marie-France Champuix’s harrowing journey. Set against the backdrop of the scenic vineyards of Burgundy and the stirring vistas of Lyon, the Massif Central, the Cévennes, and the Haut Languedoc mountains, this novel intertwines the anguish and resilience of the French populace under the oppressive Nazi regime and the vexing Vichy government. Marie-France, our protagonist, falls deeply in love with a Wehrmacht officer, an affair that leaves her pregnant, shunned by her family, and compelled to flee her cherished home. Her plight deepens as she struggles to shield her son from the truth of his origins, a story that encapsulates the era’s complex interplay of love, betrayal, and survival.
Holmes deftly explores the themes of redemption and loyalty as Marie-France embarks on a quest to find a surrogate father for her child in her former lover, a valiant member of the Resistance. Her determination to redeem herself and safeguard her son’s future leads her to join the Resistance, a decision that marks her transformation from a pariah to a celebrated hero. The story is a riveting blend of personal struggle and historical reflection, illustrating the excruciating choices faced by individuals in times of war. Holmes’ story skillfully captures the desperation and hope that coexisted in a period marked by hardship and moral ambiguity. The novel not only offers a compelling personal story but also serves as a poignant reminder of the suffering endured by the French under the dual burdens of occupation and collaboration. “Coccinelle” is a remarkable tale of a woman’s fight for redemption and a nation’s struggle for liberation, told against a rich tapestry of France’s stunning landscapes.
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Tim Holmes was born in London and brought up in Geneva, eventually embarking on a thirty-five year career in the international wine industry, having learned his craft in Bordeaux and Burgundy as a ‘stagiare’ winemaker during university vacations. After a lifetime of travel, tasting and trading wines around the world, he now lives in France and England where he writes, and opens the odd bottle for friends.