Jet, an outcast in his own family, is thrust into an unpredictable world of magic and danger. Rescued from familial indifference by a benevolent white witch, he finds himself at the heart of a battle against encroaching evil. The Dark Lord, bent on spreading his malevolence, aims to corrupt all magical forces, targeting White Witches, the ancient beings, and their protégés, the Seekers. The key to their defence lies in a fabled sword, lost and imbued with the power to repel dark arts. The onus falls on Jet, revealed to be the chosen one, to reclaim this artefact.
Paler skillfully blends elements of magic, mythical creatures, and otherworldly realms, creating an immersive experience for readers. As Jet embarks on his quest, he encounters not only challenges and adversaries but also discovers the essence of true friendship and the meaning of family. His journey, fraught with potential sacrifices, is a testament to the courage and resilience required to confront darkness. “Cuthbert’s Sword” is a testament to Paler’s prowess in crafting a riveting, fantasy adventure that resonates with readers of all ages.